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Meliora Education
Grade 8 NCERT Chp1: Rational Numbers
Grade 8 NCERT Chp2: Linear Equations in One Variable
Grade 8 NCERT Chp3: Understanding Quadrilaterals
Grade 8 NCERT Chp4: Data Handling
Grade 8 NCERT Chp5: Squares and Square Roots
Grade 8 NCERT Chp6: Cubes ad Cube Roots
Grade 8 NCERT Chp7: Comparing Quantities
Grade 8 NCERT Chp8: Algebraic Expression and Identities
Grade 8 NCERT Chp9: Mensuration
Grade 8 NCERT Chp10: Exponents and Powers
Grade 8 NCERT Chp11: Direct and Inverse Proportions
Grade 8 NCERT Chp12: Factorisation
Grade 8 NCERT Chp13: Introduction to Graphs
Meliora Education
Meliora Education
Meliora Education is an initiative taken up to adress sdg 4, Quality Education. Through this platform we aim to provide education inclusive of all types of learning to students across India, and potentially around the world.